Course Timetable
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Context & Narrative
As noted in the Preamble,
I intend to work through C&N more quickly than EyV. As a starting point, I will allocate one month for each of the five Parts interspersed with another month for each of the five Assignments. Thus, Part 1 December, Asg. 1 January, Part 2 February etc. This will allow contingency for the Parts to overlap with the Assignment months, but I will aim to deliver the Asgs at the end of Jan 2020, March, May, July and September. The work arrangements will not change from EyV . Preamble
Expressing your vision
My tutor suggested spacing the elements of the course about 10 weeks apart. I finished the course starter, Square Mile (SqM), yesterday (20th July 2018) and so I'll aim for the end of October for the next date. (I will not be submitting SqM until September because my tutor is tied up with her doctoral thesis until then.)
[3Dec18] When feeding back on Asg. 1, my tutor suggested that Asg.2 be submitted on 1st December and this is what happened. I suggested 3 months for Asg.3 and this was agreed.
If we stick with three months per Asg the the last will be due on 1st Sep 19. The assessment regulations are reproduced below.
- "Students are directed towards the next available assessment event following submission of their final assignment"
- the next after 1Sep19 is the "November event - applications must be received by 31 August, with submissions received between 15-30 September"
- if that does not give me time to receive my tutor's feedback, make any necessary changes and prepare a board submission (which seems likely), then,
- "[Students] have an option to defer to the subsequent event (a further 4 months thence)", which would be the "March event - applications must be received by 7 January, with submissions received between 15 -31 January"
The list is:
Assignment | Started | Completed | Due / Submitted | Feedback |
Asg 1. Square Mile | 17 Jun 18 |
20 Jul 18 |
1 Sep 18 ✓ |
15 Sep 18 |
Part 1. From that moment | 22 Jul 18 |
11 Aug 18 |
- |
2 Oct 18 |
Part 2. Imaginative spaces | 15 Aug 18 |
3 Sep 18 |
- |
- |
Asg 2. Collecting | 20 Aug 18 |
30 Nov 18 |
1 Dec 18 ✓ |
10 Dec 18 |
Part 3. Traces of time | 1 Oct 18 |
10 Dec 18 ✓ |
- |
11 Mar 19 |
Asg 3. The Decisive Moment | 9 Dec 18 |
25 Feb 19 |
1 Mar 19 ✓ |
11 Mar 19 |
Part 4. The language of light | 24 Dec 18 |
Asg 4. Languages of Light | 17 Mar 19 |
29 Jun 19 |
1 Jul 19 |
8 Jul 19 |
Part 5. Viewpoint | 27 Apr 19 |
Asg 5. Photography is simple | 15 Jul 19 |
1 Oct 19 |
Submitting assignments
Page 15 of the EyV course material states,
Email or otherwise electronically transfer your photographs to your tutor in the following
1500 pixels along the longest edge
Adobe (1998) colour profile, RGB jpegs
(EyV p. 15)
There is a video here on submitting them.
Coventry U.'s flavour of Harvard Referencing is here.
Assessment Boards
Document B of the Student Regulations states (in part),
3.3 Timing of assessment events and Boards of Examiners
Assessments for undergraduate courses take place three times a year. These events normally take place in March, July and November.
The deadline dates for receipt of undergraduate Assessment Application Forms and the subsequent submissions are as follows:
- November event - applications must be received by 31 August, with submissions received between 15-30 September.
- March event - applications must be received by 7 January, with submissions received between 15 -31 January;
- July event - applications must be received by 30 April, with submissions received between 15-31 May;
Three Boards of Examiners take place each year, one after each assessment event.
Students may apply for formal assessment when they have completed the penultimate assignment of their current unit. All the assignments completed by students as part of their course work are formative; however, the same pieces of work (as revised) form the core of the work submitted for the summative assessment event (see Section 3.1).
Students are directed towards the next available assessment event following submission of their final assignment – but have an option to defer to the subsequent event (a further 4 months thence). Students not submitting their work for assessment by four weeks before the deadline for the second event following completion of their final assignment will be contacted and advised of the consequences of failing to submit their work for assessment.
If a student does not submit their work for assessment for the second event after completion of course work – and has not been awarded deferred assessment (see next section) – they lose the right to obtain the credits for that unit.
Should they wish to opt back into a degree pathway at a future time it is possible that the work they undertook for the earlier, unassessed unit could be used to support an APEL application; but that would be considered on its own merits using the criteria for accreditation, as defined.
Progression and Degree Classification
Document B of the Student Regulations states (in part),
4.1 Progression
Paul Vincent post
Undergraduate degrees have three stages: (Levels 1, 2 and 3 …), as described in Section 2.2. A student must pass all the relevant units at each Level in order to progress to the next Level.
In June 2019, Paul Vincent, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning at OCA posted this useful contribution on the 12 years' maximum duration of the course.
5. Awards (paraphrased)
- A BA (Hons) comprises 120 points each at levels 1, 2 and 3.
- Level 1 courses are worth 40 points, Level 2 courses 60 points, level 3 courses 40 or 60 points (see s.2.1).
- It was noted under 4.1 above that each lower level must be passed to progress to the next level.
- The pass mark for all levels is 40 (Section 3.2)
- The degree classification is assessed on the " average of the percentage marks given for the Level 3 … units (rounded to the nearest whole number) will provide the degree classification (Section 5.3).
- The photography courses are (from the OCA web site, 15Jan19):