[2Oct21] text
The Students' Soc is running a series on diversity, outsourced to Diversity and Ability.
I'll log them in the blog and collect them here.
Diversity & Inclusion - Intersectionality - Three - Four - Five
BA Phot
[2Oct21] text
The Students' Soc is running a series on diversity, outsourced to Diversity and Ability.
I'll log them in the blog and collect them here.
Diversity & Inclusion - Intersectionality - Three - Four - Five
[2Oct] The first was was entitled Diversity & Inclusion. Here's a link. I'll include a few slides and comments below and open a page on the matter.
The content was largely sensible. On disabilities, three models were described, Medical, Social and Celebratory and the Medical criticised for putting down and marginalising those affected. As one of those affected, my view is that the three approaches are not as mutually exclusive as the presentation suggested — many disabilities are just that and changing the terminology does not alter reality. I do not walk or speak or think as well as I used to. That said, it is, of course, wrong to penalise those with problems (and struggling to climb stairs IS a problem) … problems in some areas by not allowing them to function in other areas where they are quite capable. I welcome medical interventions that ameliorate my problems and celebrations are to be welcomed.
The other area covered was bias. The disctinction between unconscious and implicit bias was not well explained. We all have them and we should all be aware of them and try to minimise any adverse effects they cause.
[28Oct] This was the second of six lectures on diversity organised by the Students' Society and delivered by Roxanne Steel for Diversity and Ability.
Intersectionality concentrated on individual differences and how important it is to be inclusive. I felt that this session was not particularly relevant to OCA students as there is very little staff and student interaction compared to a campus-based HE facilty when not affected by Covid.
Here are the official "handout" slides.
[25Dec] Roxanne Steel presenting. Again, my main problem with this month's course is that it was written for campus-based students (the new experience of laundering your own clothes was given as an example) and so much of it was irrelevant.
There was a good section on mindfulness and some worthwhile exercises. Here's a link.
Here are the slides and the session recording.
Sensible and practical suggestions.
Here are the slides and the session recording.
A pleasingly objective and technical meeting about making media accessible.