Produce either a series of four to six portraits (looking at Stezaker and Stenram) or a series of four to six landscape-based images based on your immediate surroundings (as with Gill’s Hackney Marshes series). Complete Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment and upload the finished images to your learning log together with a short reflection (500–1,000 words) on your motivations, references and methods for both parts of the assignment.
Part 1
Use traditional ‘cut and paste’ techniques (scissors/scalpel and glue) to produce a series of simple photomontages using elements from two to five original or found photographs. These can be found images and/or images that you’ve shot yourself. Re-photograph your finished photomontages and present the work in your learning log as a digital file.
Part 2
Using digital montage techniques (Photoshop or similar image-editing software) produce a digital montage using elements from a minimum of two and a maximum of five digital files. Use components that you have shot yourself rather than found images for this exercise.
Here are some further online resources that you might find useful:
Listen to Daniel Gordon discuss his digital portraiture with MOMA
curator Eva Respini: Link 12
Hisaji Hara: Link 13
Hannah Höch: Link 14
Peter Kennard’s Photo Op and censorship: Link 15, Link 16
Eva Stenram: Link 17, Link 18
Jeff Wall: Link 19, Link 20, Link 21
Contemporary photographic collage: Link 22
FOAM Magazine Under Construction – New Positions in American Photography Issue 38, 2013: Link 23
35 Photography 2: Digital Image and Culture
Reflection Before you send your work to your tutor, check it against the assessment criteria listed in the introduction to this course guide and make sure that it meets all the criteria. Your tutor may take a while to get back to you so carry on with the course while you’re waiting.
Reworking your assignment
s Following feedback from your tutor, you may wish to rework some of your assignment, especially if you plan to submit your work for formal assessment. If you do this, make sure you reflect on what you’ve done and why in your learning log. DIC, pp.4-5